There is a specific equipment that court reporting needs for it to work; check what it is and how to use it in this article. You need to know that the equipment is going to transcribe the spoken word into verbatim written record but it does not happen if the user is not skilled enough to do it. A lot of people who have gotten the chance to see a steno machine have all reacted the same way; they were mystified with how this twenty-two buttoned machine worked. There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet so what is up with the steno machine? The steno machine in its own way is definitely peculiar especially when being used for court reporting. The fastest typist's ability to impress will fade once he or she is sitting next to a court reporter; the steno machine is just too hard to use without the skill which means if you see some typing fast on it, it means he or she is an expert. Real time transcriptions are now possible thanks to the modern court equipment of today. Court reporting is something special, it is something that you will never understand if you just casually observe from the sides. View here more info about Trial presentation.

Everything starts and ends with the steno machine. It is just insane watching a court reporter transcribe words into verbatim written record; if you try it you will see just how hard it is. The steno machine has very few buttons compared to the computer keyboard and it also lacks four more buttons to match the number of letters in the alphabet which makes it even weirder. You should know that the court reporter transcribes words based on the number of syllables, they do not type depending on the number of words. The beginning sound of each syllable is laid out on the left part of the steno machine. The middle keys will be representing the middle sound of a syllable and the right part is the ending sound of a syllable.

The steno machine is very hard to use when you don't have the right amount of training; it is not your average keyboard because it requires training, skill and expertise before you can use to for court reporting. 

You have to know that anyone using the steno machine who is not trained in the art of stenography will have his or her work mark as illegible. You cannot understand the output of a steno machine unless the court reporter such as court reporter Fort Wayne  or a third party translates it. If you want to know about the steno machine and how it actually works then digging deeper into stenography is going to be an important thing to do.

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